
Easily Find and Compare Antibodies You Need With Our Latest Catalog and Search Updates

We hope everyone had a great summer! Just in time with the back-to-school (back-to-lab?) season, we rolled out a couple major updates to the BenchSci platform to help you plan your experiments.

Read on to find out what they are!

More Antibodies and Figures

By applying an improved data collection process, we’ve increased our platform content to the following:


  June 2018 Sept 2018   % change Sept vs June
# of Antibody Products 3,947,527  4,641,445  +17.58%
# of Figures 3,406,930  4,038,941 +18.55% 
# of Publications Analyzed 6,304,012  9,174,652  +45.54%
# of Published Use Cases 2,102,768 2,925,785 +39.14% 

In addition to increasing the data coverage, we also:

  • Manually audited FACS and ELISA data to ensure accuracy
  • Improved clone ID mapping so more products can be filtered by clone ID
  • Updated discontinued product list to ensure that you can find antibodies that are available to you

With this release, BenchSci strengthens its position as the largest antibody product database in the world (see data here), and is the only one with closed-access data. In the coming months, we’ll also be adding data from PNAS and Wolters Kluwer.

New Product Search Result Page

With more data on the platform, we want to make sure everyone can easily search and compare the antibodies matching their study contexts. For this reason, we went through a complete redesign of our product results page. It now looks like this:


Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at 11.06.43 AM 

With the redesign, the antibody specifications and usages in the literature are shown side-by-side to make product comparisons easier.

To view the published figures associated with an antibody, click on the figures icon to open up the figure list, like so:


Sep-19-2018 11-27-20 

What do you think about our new look? Were you able to find new antibody products and data? Let us know in the comments below.

Happy researching!

