
Expanded Antibody Validation and More New Features on BenchSci

At BenchSci, we’re always looking for new ways our technology can help you design and run more successful experiments. Over the last few months we launched even more new features that you’ve asked for to our AI-Assisted Antibody Selection and AI-Assisted Reagent Selection products. Read on for a quick recap of these new features and how they can accelerate your research.

Expanded antibody validation

Last year, we developed our Verification filter to help you find antibodies validated against two of Nature’s pillars of validation. We’re proud to announce that we’ve now enhanced this filter to include all 5 of Nature’s pillars (genetic, orthogonal, independent antibody, recombinant expression, and mass spectrometry capture validations), plus 2 additional pillars that have been adopted by industry-leading vendors (cell treatment and relative expression validations). Read more about our Verification filter updates.


Last search

BenchSci has made it even easier to conduct your research by automatically saving your last 5 searches so you can easily return to them later if needed. Of course, you can still choose to save a search manually if you want to be able to return to it more than 5 searches later. Read more about last search.


Default results view

BenchSci has always presented you with results figure-first, but some of you have said you’d rather see products first. We heard you, and now you can configure your results view to display figure-first or product-first, whichever you prefer. This feature is accessible in your profile settings, under preferences.

That sums up the new features we rolled out in the last few months. 

What new features would you like to see on BenchSci? Let us know in the comments below and subscribe to our blog to hear about all of our newest releases.