
Philip Tagari

Philip Tagari is Vice President of Research (Therapeutic Discovery) at Amgen Inc., the world’s largest independent biotechnology company. His global laboratories are responsible for multi-modality platforms resulting in the successful progression of over 30 innovative molecules into clinical development in recent years. Before joining Amgen in 1998, he was a Research Fellow at Merck Frosst (Canada) Inc., where he contributed to several eicosanoid and inflammatory biology programs. Tagari is an active member of Amgen Ventures and has participated in numerous research collaborations. He is also Board Chair for Amgen Biopharmaceutical Research and Development (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a board member of MATWIN (Maturation & Accelerating Translation With Industry) in France, and a Director of CQDM (Consortium Quebecois sur la Decouverte du Medicament; Quebec Consortium for Drug Discovery). Tagari holds a Master’s in Natural Sciences from Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge University (UK).